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The Candid Conservative: It can happen here...
Thursday, 26 September 2024 20:05
“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.”

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


Special to the Daily Planet

One of the many bonuses of reading is that one person can rest in total safety as they relive another’s horror.

 We like that distinction — and dependably exploit it with the unconscious declaration that whatever happened “there” can’t happen here.

 Predictably, the greater the bounty of our environment, the more – not less – we are likely to thus indulge ourselves.

 In contrasting view to the hysterics relentlessly churned out by the left’s “victims-are-us” power-grabbing machine, the vast majority of Americans live quite well.

 If they don’t, that reality is mostly due to personal choices and behaviors.

 If you have the courage, drive through your local public housing development for confirmation and a surprising proximity to bounty.

 Most of the apartments you see will have cable and a widescreen.

 Gaunt, skinny hungry people you will not see.

 You will find nice cars, obesity, smokers and dopers, and designer-labeled clothing. You know – things that cost money.

 In that we judge the world at large largely by our own direct exposures, under such circumstances of abundance, it’s easy to assume that with the exception of scattered islands of poverty, most of the world lives equally well.

It doesn’t.

And when it does, it is more often than not under a governance model characterized by affirmed authoritarian despotism – China – or camouflaged authoritarian despotism – Canada.

Though it’s popular to broadly declare our allegiance to “DEMOCRACY,” political manipulators know that the average American’s concept of freedom is more connected to plenteousness than liberty.

For affirmation, witness the next two months of relentless political ads promising something for nothing, relief from all life’s stressors, and personal responsibility avoidance opportunities of all shapes and sizes.

That this process is part and parcel of the Marxist philosophy that has crushed humanity throughout its wicked history will be lost amidst the excitement of football, distractions of fantasy TV dramas, and seductions of the propagandized nightly news.

We will thereby be lulled – as human beings always have by leaders, political movements and parties pretending to be God – that all will be mostly well.

Watch Kamala Harris’ prompted speeches for the most-nearly perfected example of such since Obama’s ‘CHANGE’ mirage.

In all fairness, Obama did affect a number of distinguished changes.

He put our racial divide into overdrive, unleashed the appetites of government bureaucracy, weaponized our judicial system, paralyzed our police, institutionalized entitlement-devoted government, downgraded our culture, and got rich in the process 

Not bad – unless you believe in the necessity of good in a fallen world.

That actually may be one of our biggest problems.

Too many people do not understand that we live on a corrupted planet.

Though filled with bounty, blessings and beauty, the master control switch, for now, rests in the hands of Darth Inc. and his followers.

What that means dear Americans, is that the bad stuff we read about and hear about can absolutely happen here.

And that unless those who strive to be good and noble people get more involved, we are going to reach a tipping point with no time for constructive reversal.

For those who’re occasionally more interested in being “good and noble” than a dedicated fan of their personal pleasures, there are points of action.

Read “The Gulag Archipelago” by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn for a tour through how a culture can become systemically diseased and the subsequent impact on its membership.

Witness a time in America when no one questions how an elected official can enter public office with a net worth of $200,000 and, shortly after exiting, land on $70 million in net worth.

Take a tour of Dr. Fauci’s “Anthony in Wonderland” journey through gain of function research, the unleashed Chi-Com virus, power and vanity indulgence, pretense, and the consequences of giving people too much power, too little oversight and accountability, and an opportunity for personal gain wrapped in the same package.

Watch the nightly news, political ads, and the machinations of our governmental bureaucracy and note how rare personal responsibility is mentioned and how often something for nothing is promised.

And so it is with our 21st century America.

We are taught power serves us best when it rests in the hands of a benevolent government.

There is no answerability except for the ones already trying to be accountable.

Dishonesty and exploitation of authority are more often expected than challenged.

Remember these things as our road narrows.

It can happen here.

In fact, it’s already happening here.

As a personal view, we can’t stop it. Too many people have bought into the lies.

But we can slow it down.

 Remembering that prosperity is more of a spiritual thing than a property thing, that mission starts by locking on to America’s traditional success equation — Liberty + Responsibility + Opportunity = Prosperity. 

We then have to reject the left’s assertion that America is uniquely able to leave out pieces and produce the same outcome.

Our recovery can be furthered by voting a president into office who gets the above equation versus anointing a Marxist fairytale candidate who will accelerate our slide into the gulag.
I leave it to your good sense to determine who is who....


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