Asheville Daily Planet
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The Daily Planet’s Opinion: The time is now to teach our children to love America — ‘It will be good for them — and the country deserves it!’
Sunday, 07 July 2024 20:49

With Independence Day being celebrated throughout the country this month, we would like to magnify the profound thoughts of a popular columnist regarding the crushing need to instill a love of America by this generation of children, given the America-hatred expressed daily — and so loudly — by brainwashed protesters pushing a woke/Marxist agenda for every cause that arises, along with a put-down of the greatest nation that ever existed in the history of the world. 

Specifically, we are referencing Peggy Noonan of The Wall Street Journal, who recently wrote an excellent piece headlined “Teach your children to love America” as a Memorial Day forewarning.

We think her words are even more applicable as we celebrate America and her independence during the Fourth of July holiday, such as the following:

We live in an age — I’ll say this part quickly as we all know it—in which children are instructed in 100 different ways through 100 different portals that America is and always was a dark and scheming place, that its history is the history of pushing people around, often in an amoral quest for wealth but also because we aren’t very nice. And we never meant it about the Declaration.

“Ideology and idiocy imposed this view, shallowness too. It began some decades ago, but has speeded up and became more extreme the past 10 years.”

Also, Noonan wrote the following:

“What does this atmosphere of unlove for America do to kids? To little ones 5 and 10 but also 15 — what is its impact on them?

“To kids from difficult circumstances it means there is no hope; you won’t escape a violent or unhappy family into a better place, the world outside, because it isn’t better. The world outside is America, which brutalizes the minority, the woman, the different. Inside is scary, outside is scarier. What a thing to do to vulnerable kids.

“To kids from easier circumstances, it does nothing good and carries a subtle bad effect. It means the thing you’re part of is, at its heart, corrupt, so you might as well be corrupt. The ugliness of America becomes a permission structure: We are amoral and you can be, too.

“Kids live on dreams. Have the adults who’ve created this atmosphere forgotten that, as they pursue their own resentments and make their accusations?”

Noonan urges starting “kids out with love,” as “irony and detachment come soon enough. Start with love, if only to give them a memory of how that felt,” as we need a shift to where children joyfully parade around and celebrate the Fourth of July with drum beats, as American flags flap gloriously in the breeze.








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