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ACAB group offers its side in incident
Sunday, 21 July 2024 14:40
EDITOR’S NOTE: Following is the text of a July 3 statement released by the Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair collective, titled “Statement on Fascists at  ACAB 2024,” providing the group’s side to what happened during the resulting June 29 melee: 
“On the afternoon of June 29, two well-known fascists — Monica Buckley and real estate developer David Moritz — attended a bookfair session at the West Asheville Public Library. 

“Their intentions in being at ‘Strategic Lessons from the Palestinian Resistance’ were not benign; they were there to provoke a conflict and sell a false narrative that the Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair is an antisemitic event. 

“This is a pattern of behavior locally and elsewhere. For instance, David has attempted to force his way into Palestinian solidarity encampments at the University of California in Los Angeles and here in Asheville with the goal of inciting conflict.

“Last Saturday (June 29), the fight that these two white supremacists instigated resulted in the injury of multiple antifascists and one arrest. 

“Afterward, Monica — who bragged about starting the brawl by tackling a bookfair attendee — stayed in the neighborhood, harassing and threatening community members from a car. 

“This escalatory behavior is no surprise. It was a planned disruption by individuals with extreme, genocidal beliefs who have publicly called for the suppression of solidarity with Palestinians.

“The Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair is a five-year-old event featuring speakers, books, and art against fascism in all of its forms (check out our session schedule — it speaks for itself!). 

“We stand in solidarity with everyone who was harmed or traumatized by Monica and David. 

“We share our love and concern for those who are now facing harassment as a result of their lies. 

“We extend support to bookfair participants who are, or may in the future, face charges.”



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